Tate brothers sent to court! What do they risk if found guilty

De Georgiana Prodan.
Publicat pe 20.06.2023 la 17:17
Actualizat pe 20.06.2023 la 17:21
Today, Tate brothers, found out that they are going to face the judges. DIICOT managed to finish their file, and they are now accusing the brothers of the following crimes: coordonating an organized criminal organization, human trafficking, rape, illegal access to digital data, violence and instigating people to violence.

What do the risk if found guilty
- Tate Brothers charged with rape and human trafficking
- What do they risk if found guilty
- What serious charges are brought against Tate brothers
At the beginning of year 2021, the brothers auto accused that they organized a criminal group, on the romanian teritory, but also abroad, on countries like: USA, Great Britain. This is also the year that they are being accused of starting human trafficking.
Tate Brothers charged with rape and human trafficking
They say that the victims were being recruited by Tate brothers by misleading them into believing that they are going to form a relationship, a romantic relationship, possibly ending in marriage. The lover boy metode.
The prosecutors say that the victims were then being transported to various places near Bucharest, and they were forced to have different pornography manifestations. The prosecutors say that they have found seven victims, and that they were forced to work, and the financial benefits were huge for the brothers, who were having the platforms.
When talking about rape, the prosecutors say that on March 2022, a victim was forced by one of the brothers through violence to have sexual intercourse several times.
When talking about illegally accessing information, data, the prosecutor say that on October 2021 one of the brothers accessed without permission the information system of one of the victims and posted on one of the victim’s social media account images that show her in a compromising state.
When talking about violence and instigating to violence, they say that on October 2021, trying to punish one of the victims who refused to continue working for them, and who wanted to live the place where she was, one guy hit the victim after being instigated by one of the brothers.
What do the risk if found guilty
The Romanian authorities asked for sequestrum to be put on their possessions: 15 terrains and buildings situated in: Ilfov, Prahova and Brașov. According to Romanian Law, this means that this part of the trial shows that the investigation is over, and their file has been sent in front of the judge. If they are found guilty, the Tate brothers could face more than 10 years in prison in Romania.
Tristan Tate gave his first interview since being released. In a podcast, the British millionaire confessed that he is a collateral victim in ”the war” in which his brother, Andrew, is involved. The British millionaire claims that he and Cobra Tate would not have had a blood connection, he would not have experienced anything that he is currently experiencing.