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Andrew and Tristan Tate, in front of the judges, today! Exclusive reaction from the Tate brothers: "My crime? Nothing." 

De Oana Vacarusi.
Publicat pe 21.06.2023 la 11:48 Actualizat pe 21.06.2023 la 12:51

Andrew and Tristan Tate, in front of the judges, today! According to the DIICOT statement, the Tate brothers would have constituted an organized criminal group at the beginning of 2021 and, since then, would have trafficked people on the territory of Romania, but also of other countries, such as the USA and UK.

Andrew and Tristan Tate, in front of the judges, today

Romanian prosecutors indicted Andrew Tate, his brother Tristan and two other suspects on Tuesday on charges that include human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women. The Tate brothers and two Romanian female suspects are under house arrest pending a criminal investigation for abuses committed against seven women, accusations they have denied.

Exclusive reaction from the Tate brothers

Exclusively for, Andrew Tate gave statements and spoke about the decisions made by DIICOT, after the prosecutors decided to send him and Tristan Tate to court, for human trafficking and other acts of organized crime (rape in continuous form, two acts of rape on the same victim, human trafficking, organized criminal group, instigation to hit and other violence and hitting and other violence), and to confiscate more of their assets.

“The legal limit to keep a man locked up without charge is 190 days.

Today, on day number 186 - they have charged me with garbage and will ask a judge to retain the measure of house arrest and leave me locked in my house for up to 4 years.

I have not been outside, or smelt freedom, for 186 days.

Since Christmas.

My crime? Nothing.

They say I forced girls to make TikTok videos. It would be hilarious if my position wasn’t so frustrating.

I am LOCKED UP because they say I forced girls to make TikToks and took the money for views.

These same girls say I didn’t do this.

The victims say they are not victims.

The state says they are despite their pleas for my innocence.

It’s truly clown world.

Today, a judge decides If I must stay locked in my house until this TikTok trial.

The enemies of truth are relentless and operate without mercy.

First, they come for me.

Next, they come for you.

Nobody is safe.” - Tate

What assets will be confiscated from the Tate brothers

The DIICOT prosecutors requested the confiscation of several movable and immovable assets belonging to British millionaires (unavailable and seized): We are talking about:

- 15 plots of land and buildings located within the Ilfov, Prahova and Braşov counties,
- 15 luxury cars, 14 luxury watches, 2 ingots and a medal,
- the shares held within 4 commercial companies, the amounts of 86,580 lei, 52,650 euros, 17,430 USD and 10,370 pounds and the amount of 21,080,508 BTC, existing in cryptocurrency wallets (approximately 384,904,789 USD), as well as obliging the defendants to pay some judicial expenses advanced by the state in the amount of 300,000 lei.

Read: Tate brothers sent to court! What do they risk if found guilty

În articolul
Andrew and Tristan Tate, in front of the judges, today! Exclusive reaction from the Tate brothers: "My crime? Nothing." 
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